Little Gem Lettuce



Price pack of 2


Little Gem Lettuces are very small Romaine (Cos) lettuces that will grow 5 to 8 inches (13 to 20 cm) within 70 days of planting. The leaves are the same colour as Romaine, but a bit more tender. They are often sold with most of the outer leaves removed, leaving just the lettuce heart. Because these are sweetly flavoured and tender they are one of the most popular lettuces used. The leaves hold their shape – so much so that you can use them as “cups” for fried Thai-flavoured savouries with minced pork. Even if you aren’t using them as receptacles, the firm creases are handy: little rivulets of vinaigrette can lie in them.

Only break off the leaves you need to use and the rest will keep well in the fridge being sturdy little lettuces they should never need to hit the bin.


Little Gems are a small lettuce variety are soft with a hint of crunch.  They have a good shelf-life and can keep for up to seven days in the salad drawer of the refrigerator. Wash in cold water and pat dry.  Use the crunchy leaves whole, in salads or as a ‘scoop’ to hold fillings.

A typical 100g portion contains 1.7g carbohydrate, 0.5g fat, 0.9g fibre, 0.8g protein and 16 calories.


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