Cherry vine tomatoes



Price per pack


Vine-ripened tomatoes are those that are picked when they show the first signs of changing colour. Tomatoes are picked at this point to ensure optimum quality by the time the fruit gets to the supermarket or your table, making vine tomatoes preferable to consumers.They are packed full of vitamins A, C and E.They also contain flavonoids (natural anti-inflammatories), potassium and other mineral salts.

They are packed full of vitamins A, C and E.They also contain flavonoids (natural anti-inflammatories), potassium and other mineral salts.  Tomatoes contain a high volume of water, and they’re refreshing in salads on hot days.

When choosing your purchase buy fresh, firm, uniform sized fruits. Avoid those with wrinkled surface, discoloured spots, cuts and too soft and mushy.  Firm, yellow fruits can be placed in cool, dark place at room temperature for 2-3 days. However, ripe tomatoes are one of the easily perishable vegetables and should be stored in the refrigerator. Use them while they are fresh to enjoy full benefits of vitamins and antioxidants.

To prepare, discard stem and top calyx end. Eat whole or enjoy in halves, slices etc.

A typical 100g portion contains, 18 calories, 3.9g carbohydrate, 0.9g protein and 0.2g fat.



Have you ever wondered why we have the additional choice of “Vine Tomatoes”?  Simply, the vine, that is the stalk they grow on, once harvested keeps feeding the tomato with water even though it has been cut from the parent plant. Eventually, when it has given all the moisture it had, wizens up and falls away leaving the fruit still firm.  That’s the practical reason, but the other reasons are, they look so pretty and the minty smell when you touch the stalk…..mmmmmm….Enjoy a string or two of these yourself and pop some into your basket.

Per 185g